[UPDATED 2016.12.25] How to spot Fake Holika Holika Aloe 99% Soothing Gel

Thursday, December 17, 2015 31 comments
Well, I have to admit at first about how I can be so fool not to suspicious about the price of this Holika Holika Aloe 99% Soothing Gel. It was like crazy cheap, 70% from the original retail price at Mall Taman Anggrek counter. I once bought this there and the price is like 208k for 2 product (Soothing Gel and Shower Gel). Normally, the price will be 208k for 1 bottle each. So yeah, I was a stupid foo to be misguided by cheap price. 

So here I am to redeem myself, to tell you how to spot the fake stuff of this product. I love this product so much anyway, it makes my skin very hydrated and smooth, so no matter how judgemental I am in here, it's solely for you who was confused or even unconsciously fooled by the seller who sell the fake items or even didn't know if there is the original one.

For the person who already own the original one, it will be very easy to spot the fake one. But when I receive this, I don't even have the real product on my hand on that moment. So how do I spot it?

A. The appearance of the bottle (front side)

1. Color
The bottle color is almost the same but different in so many reason. You can see here the left one have yellowish and darker aloe vera green but the right one is oddly green. Like, it's not very natural green. 

2. Font
ALOE font on the left one is thinner and the right one is.... You can see it by yourself.

3. Do you see anything odd from here? It's not about the filling inside (I have use the left one and almost finish). If you can see it, you are a champion! If not, let me give you a hint. It's on the bottom...
It's the Bottle CAP! The left one can be opened from the front and the right one? It can be opened from the other side.

B. The appearance of the bottle (back side)

1. Label Sticker
See how its look similar but different? The color might be shown so similar in this photo, but I can assure you more difference later after this. Sticker position is bit different but it might human error or is it?! Is it human error?! Or is it solely just fake product who failed to replicate the original one?!!! 

2. CAP!! 
Can you see the seal on the right side just like I told you before? Yes it can be opened from the backside while the left one can be opened from the front side. Quite a different huh. Not many people will spot this since it's only a cap, but did you know why this cap position matter? That's to know which is fake and original. Thanks God the fake product manufacture didn't notice this or all the fake product will look exactly the same!!!!

[*UPDATE 1: i saw an advertisement of this product and the direction of the bottle cap opened the same side with fake one!!!! So dangerous!! How to spot the big difference leaves to the label sticker only now! I will find out about this soon for the sake of it!! ToT]

[*UPDATE 2: the cap position is the real deal! The original one can be opened from the front side of the bottle and the fake is from the back side. OH YEAH!! I was right about this!!!] 

[*UPDATE 3 2016.12.25: I just bought another new Holika Holika Aloe Soothing Gel and the cap position for the bottle is now reversed. So the cap position can't be used to differentiate the fake and the original ones!]

C. In depth Label Sticker reading.
I decide to read the label since the fake one seems to be legitly similar with the orginal one, but what I found here, might be will understood by those who read Hangul.

1. Spelling Mistake
I can read Hangul if you want to know. I read it like a kindergarten student. But as you can see, there are some mistake that I point out here. 
Left : 수딩 젤 (read: suding jel / soothing gel)
Right : 수덩 젤 (read: sudong jel / ???)
Did you get my point here? How come the spelling mistake could be on the label? The answer is only one: it's FAKE! Totally FAKE! I believe how famous korean brand like Holika Holika have their proof read before product release. Gotcha!!

Other spelling mistake become pointless since they cannot get the product name right. You can see it by yourself on the picture on the findings.

Additional info: it's such an eyesore to read the fake one since they don't put spaces on each word. It's just attached from one word to another word. Gahhhhhh

2. The most crucial one is EXPIRED DATE.
You can see when will it expired on the left bottle, but you can barely see the expired date on the right one. It's full of dotted font but I just unable to read it without the force. 

3. And if you see there's a white sentence on the left one is 출원번호 means Application Number (I predict it's the government license of the cosmetic product like we have in Indonesia >> refer to BPOM, correct me if I'm wrong about this). I can see how the fake product manufacture don't think it's necessary or not.

D. Liquid Fragrant, Consistency and Absorption

1. Fragrant
From the moment I open the cap of the fake one, I smell something fishy. It's not the same fragrant with the one that I use regularly. It's kinda hard to prove it here, but trust me, it's so different. The fake one it's like you put 20% volume of the original formula and put the rest with unknown ingredient gel.

2. Consitency & Absorption
When I pour it from the bottle, I knew exactly the difference. The left one liquid is easily separated from the bottle and the right one, I need to separate it with a little bit force. Why is it happened? Because the consistency of the original gel is supposedly smooth like water so it can be easily absorbed by the skin. While the liquid consitency of the fake one is like a slimy water, it has a lot of water and it won't absorb to the skin. It just stay there. So weird. When I touch the original one, it feels like I'm touching water and the jelly stick to my finger.. The fake one is like half cooked konyaku jelly consistency. The jelly won't sticking to my finger skin unless I press it down to the paper. 

*I use paper for the absorption test.*
(note: I am not expert on this, but the test is based on what I felt on my skin and seen on the paper)

So with all of the prove that I collect, I hope you can get a little bit of 'enlightment' to spot which is original and the fake one. 

The other thing that concern me is, the price of Aloe Vera that Holika Holika counter sell is like realy overprice. At Holika Holika Korea Website, the retail price is 5,900 won (+/- Rp 71,000) and the retail price on Mall Taman Anggrek is Rp. 208,000. It's like 300% more expensive. What a rip off!! 

*crying on the corner and pouting about why I didn't born in Korea* 😂😂😂😂😂

That's why there will be fake product of the Korean brand (especially for the Aloe Vera product) not only for Holika Holika brand, but also The Face Shop whom also have Aloe Vera 99% gel product.

Thanks for reading until this point. I hope you find this helpful. Don't forget to leave comment if you ever experience with fake products or you suspicious with some product that you don't know wether it's fake or not, let me know on the comment. See you again :)


  • Unknown said...

    Hi Felicia, thank you for your information on my blog comment. I better to recheck first with actual comparison, so i decided to hide my post temporary. Thank you :)

  • fj said...

    Yup. U're welcome. Just don't continue to use the fake one. It's dangerous. None knows what the effect for long time use..

    Anyway, there's a new post about Holika Holika Indonesia confirmation about the fake product that I post here. You should check it out! Thanks :)

  • neanra said...

    Helo Felicia, just randomly google about holika aloe soothing gel and i found your blog. Many reviews that i had read said that holika aloe gel is good that's why i try to get more information. I like online shopping, but after this i think i'd rather buy directly to the shop. Thank you so much for your information

  • Unknown said...

    Grrr ak udh repurchase 2x donk berarti, dapet yg palsu beli di os kenamaan 150.000, terakhir beli produk dr counter. Harganyaaa 208.000 brrasa bangkrut, tp skrg mending beli di counter kapok beli di os. Padahal dy khusus selling korea brand ..

  • fj said...

    Begitulah kalau barang best selling sis. Lebih hati2 aja kalau belanja online. Orang Indonesia lebih sering tergiur harga murah dibandingkan dengan kualitasnya. Dan juga ketidaktahuan akan barang palsu karena tidak ada pemberitahuannya. Semoga blogpost ini dapat membantu :)

  • fj said...

    Hi sis. Apa sis uda cocokin dengan ciri-ciri barang yang asli dan palsu? Lebih murah dari counter tapi ternyata asli kan gak apa-apa sis. Semoga yang uda dibeli 2x itu asli semua ya sis. Hehe

  • xYING said...

    Hello. Thanks for the very informative post but I do saw some sellers selling the aloe gel with the holographic authenticity seal/sticker but the cap is open from the back instead of front. Is it possible to be a fake also?

  • vlo said...

    Kk aku izin pake foto" perbandingan holika asli dan palsunya ya buat lapor. Aku beli di olshop ternama dan dapetnya yg palsu..

  • Unknown said...

    Hi kak fj 😊
    Makasih banget reviewnya ini loh, skrg sy jdi bingung.. Sy udah pesan di olshop yg brg"nya katanya ori dgn hrga 150rb tapi sya jdi khawatir apakah itu beneran ori.. Katanya sih brg dtg bulan agustus tapi kayaknya mau sy cancel aja takut ga ori jga :(
    Jdi gmn ni kak fj, bagusnya beli yg d counter resmi holika ato beli langsung di website holika ya?
    Ohw ia hehe sya gladys tapi pake akun pacar sya, hihi😂😂😂

  • Mutia said...

    Hi sis.. thanka banget infonya ya. Jadi langsumg ngecek holika holika punyaku fake atau engga soalnya beli di online shop dan lebih murah dari di counter. alhamdulillah asli hehe.

    btw mau bantu ralat sedikit tulisan di atas. di foto yang ada penjelasan wrong spelling, sis tulis 몸 dibaca 'mum' dan 뭄 dibaca mom. ini kebalik sis. ^^ soalnya aku bisa bahasa korea jadi seharusnya 몸 dibaca mom dan 뭄 dibaca mum. semoga berkenan yaa..

    dan juga tentang 출원번호, kalo dibaca lengkap di botolnya, sebetulnya frasenya adalah 디자인 출원번호 yg artinya design application number. jadi ini maksudnya bukan sesuatu seperti BPOM gt. tp nomor pendaftaran patent designnya di Good Design. please refer to http://gd.kidp.or.kr/eng/ :)

  • fj said...

    Hi xYING. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    Please check the new update and clarification from Holika Holika Indonesia here http://iprobablyahipster.blogspot.co.id/2015/12/confirmation-about-how-to-spot-fake.html?m=1

  • fj said...

    Hi Gladys, thanks for visiting my blog.

    Sebaiknya dicermati dengan bijak, apakah ol shopnya berani memberikan jaminan bahwa brg2 produk korea yg dijual asli semua atau campur sari. Please read the update and clarification from Holika Holika Indonesia about the new bottle with hologram sticker : https://iprobablyahipster.blogspot.co.id/2015/12/confirmation-about-how-to-spot-fake.html?m=1

    Thank you

  • fj said...

    Hi Mutia, thanks for visiting my blog.

    Thanks for the hangul correction too.. For the mum and mom was mistyped at that moment and too lazy to fix it.. I hope the reader will get it since I was about to show the difference. Hehe

    And about the design application number, I only use Google Translate to translate it and I have no idea what is that, but since the Holika Holika Indonesia have no comment when I show it, I just assume it is BPOM. But thanks for the correction! I really appreciate it!

    Please read the update and clarification from Holika Holika Indonesia about the new bottle with hologram sticker : https://iprobablyahipster.blogspot.co.id/2015/12/confirmation-about-how-to-spot-fake.html?m=1

    Thank you

  • fj said...

    Hi Epic Choker. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    Ada baiknya dicermati apakah ol shopnya menjual barang produk korea asli atau campur sari. Dan juga tidak lupa mencermati ciri2 lainnya.

    Please read the update and clarification from Holika Holika Indonesia about the new bottle with hologram sticker : https://iprobablyahipster.blogspot.co.id/2015/12/confirmation-about-how-to-spot-fake.html?m=

    Thank you :)

  • Unknown said...

    Thanks sis blog confirmation sgt membtu. Yg ak bli di olshop botol pembukanya dr blakang tp ad hologramnya. Akhirnya ak bli di counter resmi trs ak bandingin isinya ternyata yg beli di olshop mmg fake krn gelnya beda sm yg beli di counter dan gel yg fake texture dan ciri2ny sm ky yg di review-an blog in

  • fj said...

    Oh ya yg pakai Hologram jg ada yg palsu? Boleh minta foto jelasnya utk update blog ini to my email >> ve_lee_cya@hotmail.com

    Thank you in advance ya 🙏🏻

  • Unknown said...


    what do you think about this one? is it fake too?

  • fj said...

    Hi Dear Epic Choker..
    I just bought another new Holika Holika Aloe Soothing Gel and the cap position for the bottle is now reversed. So the cap position can't be used to differentiate the fake and the original ones!

    So please refer to the other characteristic such the liquid consistency and hologram sticker may help.

    I hope this information can enlighten you.

    Merry Christmas! Happy Holiday!

  • fj said...

    Hi Poyozo Doll.
    I hope this blog post may help you to differentiate between the fake and the original, but I'm sorry I cannot help you whether the mentioned website is selling original or fake one. Sorry.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday!

  • Unknown said...

    aku beli di thailand 200baht : 100k. trus kek dibagian penjelasannya tuh udh bener gtu gaada typo ato gmn tp ya aneh aja kaget liat d counter laen ad yg jual 88k ada 210k d mumuso juga. lngsng aku cari perbedaannya. bwt tekstur kek aneh ga sesuai sm yg ori d foto gtu aku cobain. di bagian dpnnya jg gaada hologram stickernya gtu polos aja gaada apa apa. aku br cari berbedaannya skrng tp kek udh sering aku pake gitu :(( . udh kek kepake 1/4 botol. daaan aku pikir keanya yg aku beli itu kw. kira” ada efek samping yg aneh gaa?? aku tkt muka aku knp”

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